Wifi Max

Uploaded on Nov 10, 2010 / 801 views / 1080 impressions / 0 comments


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http://us.codejunkies.com/Products/WiFi--MAX__EF000925.aspx Just
plug WiFi MAX into any internet-enabled PC to create a Wireless
Access Point that your PSP, DS, Wii, or PS3 can use to wirelessly
go online, joining gamers from all over the world.As WiFi MAX
operates on the Wireless N standard, it's five times faster than an
ordinary WiFi connection, and if you use our USB cable and dongle
stand (supplied), you can position your dongle to maximise WiFi
range. It supports up to five 'local' gamers at a time, so you and
your mates can all play online at once with no loss of speed.Watch
in actionIf you have other WiFi-enabled devices capable of using
the internet, such as a Wii, DS, PSP or PS3 console, laptop, PDA or
other wireless-enabled device, you can take them online with WiFi
MAX. It's the ultimate device for internet surfing without a WiFi
router!If you have a PSP console, as well as multiplayer games,
WiFi MAX also lets you organise your media files and download them
to your PC using our exclusive MAX Media Server software. Transfer
MP3s, images and video files from your PC to your Console from
anywhere that's within range of your new WiFi network.As it
operates on the Wireless N standard, it's five times faster than an
ordinary WiFi connection, and if you use our USB cable and dongle
stand (supplied), you can position your dongle to maximise your
effective WiFi range."A very useful product in so many ways &
well built, very well written and above all, very easy to use":
Maxconsole.net, January 2006Features * Download new content and
Virtual Arcade material on your Wii. * Great for High-Speed
multimedia streaming or online gaming * Ultra – Compact – smallest
form Factor * Wireless Connections up to 150mbs * Internet gaming
through any internet-enabled PC. * No cables necessary - make a
wireless connection. * Five times faster than standard WiFi. *
Supplied with software CD and WiFi dongle,


  • Wifi
  • Max