C-SPAN StudentCam 2012 2nd Prize: The Tenth Amendment:The Amendment for Individuality

Uploaded on Jan 19, 2012 / 577 views / 752 impressions / 0 comments


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Student film makers Brendan Boyle and Marshall Leming
from Colorado Springs, Colorado won 2nd Prize in the High School category for their documentary, "The Tenth Amendment:The Amendment for Individuality."

C-SPAN's StudentCam is an annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think seriously about issues that affect our communities and our nation. This year students were asked to create a short (5-8 minute) video documentary on a topic related to the competition theme, “The Constitution and You: Select any provision of the U.S. Constitution and create a video illustrating why it’s important to you.”

Visit the StudentCam website for more info about this annual competition: http://www.studentcam.org


  • StudentCam 2012