V11 Grid Component - Custom Help Windows Part 6

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V10FP14 Alpha Five v11 Help windows part 6

(Note: This Feature Pack is sold as an optional add-on in V10 but is included with V11.) The Custom Help Windows Feature Pack allows you to create help windows for the Grid Components in your Application. Here are some of the things you can do with the Custom Help Windows Feature Pack: - Define a button that appears in the Grid Part toolbar. When the user clicks on the button, a popup window appears showing help. - Define a button that appears in the Search Part toolbar. When the user clicks the button, a popup window appears showing help. - Define a button that appears in the Detail View toolbar. When the user clicks the button, a popup window appears showing help. - Define help for individual fields in the Grid Part or Detail View part. Field level help is displayed when the user presses the F1 key when the field has focus. You can optionally display a "help icon" next to a field to indicate that there is help available for that field. The help icon can be displayed to the left or right of the field. You can configure the help icon to show the help when the user clicks on the icon, or simply holds the mouse over the icon. If you configure a field help icon to show the help when the user holds the mouse over the icon, the help is displayed after a 500 ms delay, and is automatically dismissed when the user moves the mouse away from the icon. You can control whether field level help is displayed in a modal, modeless or dropdown window. You can use a new action in Action Javascript to open a help window in response to any Javascript event.


  • Alpha Five v11
  • ftp