Tilt FX for PSP

Uploaded on Nov 05, 2010 / 2742 views / 9264 impressions / 0 comments


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http://uk.codejunkies.com/Products/TiltFX__EF000884v.aspxhttp://us.codejunkies.com/Products/TiltFX__EF000885v.aspx Take your games to the next level with the latest motion sensing control. Tilt FX works with all games by replacing the normal Direction Pad controls with High Resolution Tilt control using the 3D movements of your PSP to actually control the gameIMPORTANT!Tilt FX works 100% with all firmware versions up to and including 6.20. Version 6.30 of PSP firmware is now available but currently Tilt FX is not compatible with this version. In order to maintain full compatibility with Tilt FX it is important that the user does not upgrade to this version until further notice. Need help to check your firmware version?Custom FX profiles have been created for many games. Just imagine 3D motion sensing control Plus cool special effects like Super High Jumps, Low G effects and more. Custom FX profiles are created for new game releases and they are FREE at www.tiltfx.comVideoFeatures * Play your games in a whole new way with Tilt FX. * It's so simple - plug in the Tilt FX sensor and start the game. * Tilt FX sensor features a 3axis high resolution MEMS * accelerometer and Microprocessor.Pack includes: * Tilt FX G sensor * Set-up CD


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