V11 How to Display Custom Information on the Calendar - OnItemDraw 2

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FP11_CAL4 Alpha Five v11 Dialog on item draw 2

In Video FP11_CAL3, we showed how you can display orders for a particular date on the Calendar control in a Dialog Component. In these videos, we go into much more detail on how to actually use the Calendar control's onItemDraw and onMonthNavigate events, and how to make the Ajax callbacks to get the data from the database in the required JSON format (Note: The control will only be available to you if you have the Feature Pack installed). Section 1 - Understanding the OnItemDraw event. Section 2 - Understanding the Xbasic to get the orders for a given month in the required JSON format. Section 3 - Making Ajax callbacks to populate the Calendar shows how an Ajax callback is made in the onMonthNavigate event to populate the Calendar when the user navigates from month to month. The same Ajax callback is also made in the onRenderComplete client-side event to populate the Calendar when it is initially rendered.


  • Five
  • v11
  • Alpha
  • ftp