THRiiiVE - - Incorporating PLEASURE as Foundational to Healing - Dr Lee Cowden with Dana Gorman

Uploaded on Jan 31, 2009 / 135 views / 184 impressions / 5 comments


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  • unlimitedbrain
  • Emotional
  • EFT
  • Technique
  • Freedom
  • therapy
  • smell
  • re-map
  • scent
  • Course
  • remapping
  • remap
  • depression
  • Emotion
  • IntegraMed
  • sound
  • harmonic
  • balance
  • color
  • frequencies
  • body
  • mind
  • Gorman
  • eft
  • Dana
  • Lyme
  • pleasure
  • THRiiiVE
  • emotions
  • Dr
  • Autism
  • Cowden
  • Lee
  • serotonin
  • reduction
  • detox
  • dopamine
  • do
  • Claudie
  • to
  • neurotransmitters
  • stress
  • Gordon-Pomares