C-SPAN StudentCam 2018 Honorable Mention - An American Right Not Used Enough

Uploaded on Jan 10, 2018 / 264 views / 634 impressions / 0 comments


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StudentCam is C-SPAN's annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think critically about issues that affect our communities and our nation. For the 2018 competition, we asked students to choose a provision of the U.S. Constitution and create a video illustrating why it's important to them. To learn more about the competition and view past winning videos, visit www.studentcam.org

Notes from the filmmakers:
A 7 Minute Documentary on something that is regarded as one of America's greatest rights; but you will be surprised to find out how much it is actually used.

Video Link (Along with mp4) https://youtu.be/P4e9JR-iaXY


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