THRiiiVE PART 5: Autism Presentation with Dr Garry Gordon and Dana Gorman

Uploaded on Dec 10, 2008 / 93 views / 120 impressions / 0 comments


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  • GMO
  • EMF
  • Microbes
  • Lyme
  • DefeatAutismYesterday
  • Analogy
  • Traffic
  • Burden
  • Body
  • Total
  • Autoimmunity
  • Auto-immune
  • THRiiiVE
  • Gorman
  • Dana
  • Gordon
  • Garry
  • Autism
  • Disorders
  • Neurological
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sensitivity
  • Chemical
  • Multiple
  • Infection
  • Chronic
  • Recover
  • Cure
  • Heal
  • Asperger's
  • Parkenson's
  • ADHD
  • Toxins