V11 Introduction To Custom Components Part 3

Uploaded on Aug 16, 2013 / 31 views / 96 impressions / 0 comments


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CC1 Alpha Five v11 Introduction to Custom Components Part 3

The Custom Component is for developers who want to generate the component using their own Xbasic code. These videos give a basic overview of the Custom Component. They explain what a Custom Component is, and show how the component can define arguments whose value can be passed in from the calling page or component. The videos show how a Custom Component can be called from a Grid Component, and how the values of the arguments defined in the Custom Component can be passed in from data in the current grid row. Next, the videos demonstrate a more realistic example in which the Custom Component is used to define a pie chart displaying the breakdown of items on an order.


  • ftp
  • Alpha Five v11
  • Custom Components