C-SPAN StudentCam 2018 2nd Prize - 'PRESSure' The Pressure for Freedom of The Press

Uploaded on Jan 17, 2018 / 148 views / 440 impressions / 0 comments


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StudentCam is C-SPAN's annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think critically about issues that affect our communities and our nation. For the 2018 competition, we asked students to choose a provision of the U.S. Constitution and create a video illustrating why it's important to them. To learn more about the competition and view past winning videos, visit www.studentcam.org

Notes from the filmmakers:
Our film is a story that we believe portrays how the press has transformed through the decades. The battles the press has fought not only bring justice to themselves but to the future of our society and the future of our government. It is intended to inspire the future of our press, the younger generation, who like us may not know a lot of the history that the government has with journalists.


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