Competition, Creativity and Cooperation - Terry Mollner

Uploaded on Mar 28, 2016 / 6 views / 143 impressions / 0 comments


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In this program, Hazel Henderson with Terry Mollner, author of Common Good Capitalism: It’s Next! examine his hopeful view of transition management. Mollner explains how capitalism can evolve from today’s global completion for resources and markets and the toll this takes on our societies and planetary ecosystems. Competition and human creativity have brought us to this stage. Both agree on today’s wider perception, scientific discoveries, new communications tools, satellites observing our effects on the Earth which make it evident that cooperation must now be the framework for all our actions. This is in line with Charles Darwin’s view that humanity’s success in evolving for millennia is based on our genius for cooperating. Nature’s transition management is driven by adaptation to environmental stresses. Darwin’s conviction saw our further development would lead to more altruism as we recognize our inter-dependence on each other and all lifeforms on our planetary home.


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