Rising Sea Levels Worldwide Part 1 - John Englander

Uploaded on Mar 28, 2016 / 16 views / 166 impressions / 0 comments


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In this program Hazel Henderson discusses with John Englander, geologist and oceans expert, author of Rising Tide on Main Street, the steady rise of global oceans due to global atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The Earth’s temperature continues rising as fossil fuels are burned, oceans absorb additional CO2, glaciers and ice sheets at the planet’s poles are melting. Englander studies coastlines and show visual evidence of the effects on the World’s 20 most vulnerable cities: Boston, New York, Washington DC, Seattle, San Diego, as well as Shanghai, London, Bangkok and low-lying countries Holland, the Philippines and many small island sates. In some areas, land is also sinking, and in others tectonic plates cause the land under, for example Los Angeles, to rise. Since 2015, 195 countries have agreed to address these largely human-caused effects with transition management strategies: investments in adaptation, sea walls, more and higher levees, relocation of humans settlements and shifting to renewable energy. Timeframes for action are reviewed. Transition management begins with realistic views of global change.


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