Wii/PS3 Universal Microphone
Uploaded on Nov 26, 2010 / 1050 views / 4101 impressions / 0 comments
http://uk.codejunkies.com/Products/WiiPS3-Universal-Wireless-Dual-Microphone__EF000723.aspx http://us.codejunkies.com/Products/WiiPS3-Universal-Wireless-Dual-Microphone__EF000723.aspx Fully compatible dual microphone system for all Wii and PS3 singing games including SingStar, Rock Band andGuitar Hero World TourDatel’s Universal Wireless Dual Microphone is the ideal controller for singing games. Featuring plug-and-play convenience and compatibility with PS3 titles such as Rock Band, Guitar Hero World Tour, and Karaoke Revolution, It offers two separate microphones for duet singing fun, and is also compatible with the Wii and PlayStation 3.Universal Wireless Dual Microphone’s VHF receiver plugs directly into your PS3’s USB port, giving you a 30-foot range for your two high-performance microphones. The dual channel base station offers independent volume controls, so it’s ideal for duets too.Compatible with all Singstar and SingIt! games as well as all Rock Band and Guitar Hero games that support a singing band member.Feature * 2 player mode in Sing star * Duet mode (single player) in all other singing games * High performance dual microphone system * 30ft range * Dual channel VHF receiver * Compatible with PS3 and Wii * Plugs directly into USB port * Allows two singers in Rock Band and Guitar Hero World Tour