V11 Field Level Validation in the DialogValidate Event

Uploaded on Aug 16, 2013 / 74 views / 204 impressions / 0 comments


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D19 Alpha Five v11 Dialog Component Field Level Validation Using Dialog Validate Event

By default, when you execute validation code in the DialogValidate event and you want to display a validation error to the user, the error text is displayed in a message area above the Dialog. This is different than Field Level validation errors, which are displayed next to the field in error. Field Level validation rules are defined at the Control level in the Dialog Builder. However, in some cases it is more convenient to put all of your validation logic in the Dialog Validate event, but still be able to show errors next to the fields in error, rather than in the message area at the top of the dialog. This video shows how you can define field level validation in the DialogValidate event.


  • Alpha
  • ftp
  • Five
  • v11