Grand Chinese @ Windhoek, Namibia. 0708

Uploaded on Aug 12, 2008 / 273 views / 1926 impressions / 0 comments


Performing in Namibia was fantastic and a great surprise for me. First, it's beautiful, peaceful & clean country. Second, I was very surprised to see that people already know me and know my songs...
I hope to come back soon and enjoy the beautiful people of Windhoek again... Much love...
Chanter en Namibie fut une grande surprise pour moi: Deja c'est un magnifique pays, tres calme. Ensuite, j'ai été tres surpris de voir que tout le monde connaissait deja mes chansons...
J'espere revenir tres vite et profiter du magnifique peuple de Windhoek à nouveu... Bisous


  • windhoek
  • love
  • namibia
  • kaysha
  • fans
  • show
  • concert
  • sushiraw