Uploaded on Mar 31, 2012 / 55 views / 1207 impressions / 2 comments


Recorded 18th February, 2012

I don’t pay close attention to technology rumour mills. Apple rumours that get a lot of hype eventually reach my radar, but I don't enjoy following something that has the potential to be completely fabricated just to get a few views on a blog/site. I do like to make predictions. Almost any prediction anyone makes it bound to come to fruition… some day. Although, some predictions are more logical than others.

There have been rumours and predictions in recent months regarding the future of Apple TV, and how it will contain Siri sooner rather than later. I don’t think any of these predictions have much thought or imagination put into them though. Hence, here’s mine.

Read more about this on my blog:

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  • future
  • Siri
  • technology
  • djsteen
  • AppleTV
  • Derek Steen
  • prediction