3 Different Ways to View Data 2023 July 26

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In this presentation we are joined by ace Alpha Software developer and founder of Start Software, Robin Bennett. He shares with us three important methods for displaying data.

0:00 Webinar Host Scott Allen introduces Robin Bennett, a developer and founder of Start Software, demonstrating diverse ways to view data in Alpha software. Focus is on editable lists from SQL tables, essential for app development. Robin teases intriguing screens at the end, adding fun. As director of Start Software, he showcases expertise in bespoke app building, Alpha troubleshooting, and consultancy services. Using grids, he displays data with sorting, Excel export, and search bars, highlighting logos, imagery, hyperlinks, and expandable rows.

05:00 Robin covers data viewing in Alpha Anywhere, including favorites bar and universal search. Grids, online-only and stable, are for desktop apps, quickly built and connected to databases for display and edit. Speaker explains enabling search feature in grids.

10:00 Robin elaborates on data viewing: grids and list controls. Grids are fast but need online connection and lack mobile-friendliness. List controls are newer with offline functionality, adaptability. Careful consideration for large data. Example: weekly timesheet app with both approaches.

15:00 Robin demonstrates more data views. Quick setup genie creates list control on a blank canvas, simplifying for beginners. Search and editable rows enabled. Adding detail view to list allows editing with save and sync buttons. Key difference between list and grid: manual sync for list.

20:00 Robin explains data viewing and updates. Save in detailed view updates immediately, sync requires button or combined ops. List controls offer offline work, grids connect to various data sources. Events can hook into save and sync process.

25:00 Robin discusses data viewing and performance optimization. Events and hooks automate sync after saving. Client-side updates for faster data entry.


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