wifi in the Thalys train from Brussels to Paris

Uploaded on May 01, 2008 / 323 views / 2762 impressions / 2 comments


What a good surprise!!! I was taking the train back from Brussels and I found myself to be in a test train with wifi inside... Fantastic, fast and the trip went really faster than usual...
I wish SNCF innovate and give us wifi in their lines too...
Quelle bonne surprise!!! Je prennais le train de retour de Bruxelles et je me suis rendu compte que j'teais dans une rame test wifi...
Fantastique, rapide, et mon voyage m'a semblé plus court que d'habitude...
J'espere que la SNCF suivra l'innovation et nous proposera ca sur ses lignes...


  • kaysha