Samantha Ettus Interviews Dog Coach Tamar Geller

Uploaded on Apr 01, 2009 / 1067 views / 2028 impressions / 1 comment


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A former member of the Israeli Army special forces, Tamar Geller's passion for animal behavior led her to become the world's foremost life coach for dogs (aka dog trainer). A brief stop in LA evolved into widespread recognition of her non- aggressive teaching style and Tamar's client roster soon included the top dogs in the LA scene as well as Oprah Winfrey and her pups. In addition to penning a best selling book, The Loved Dog: the Playful Nonaggressive Way to Teach Your Dog, she launched The Loved World Foundation which pairs prison inmates with shelter dogs as part of its mission to help people through animals. I love Tamar's total commitment to using her philosophy to help dogs and people and that's why I'm Obsessed with Tamar Geller.


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